Public Finance by Women (PFW) offers women at all stages in their careers working in public finance the opportunity to connect to people, share experiences and explore with a mentor career opportunities and choices, including how to set about making progress in their careers.
Benefits to you
- Access to a diverse range of mentors from around the world committed to helping you fulfil your career potential
- Structured guidance and support introducing you to the building blocks of the Thinking EnvironmentTM that will be of value in all aspects of your career
- One-to-one support so your needs can be addressed
- On-line meetings with other mentees on the programme to develop your professional network and connections
- Obtain a greater awareness of different cultures and diversity in thinking and learning.
- Introduction to the Thinking EnvironmentTM, a fresh and rewarding approach to leadership and mentoring
- An opportunity to support women starting or pursuing a career in public finance and obtain satisfaction that comes from helping them succeed
- Develop a greater awareness of different cultures and diversity in thinking and learning
- Connect to a global network of women and men working in public finance
- Access to training materials and guidance on using the Thinking EnvironmentTM