
Professional Women’s Conference Series: Women in Public Finance, Tuesday 30 November 2021

Date: 23rd August 2021

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PFW is partnering with with Dods D&I to host a fantastic virtual event 'Women in Public Finance' on Tuesday 30 November 2021.

We will be examining the role of women across public finance, providing leadership material on how to increase your visibility and position yourself as a leader, think strategically about using self-awareness to better drive decision-making and how to lead cultural change. This promises to be stimulating with a range of engaging speakers, as well helping you to prepare the ground work for your success. See the video that explains the benefits of coming along to a much needed event focusing on the challenges for women and how to overcome them!

To secure your place go to:

AAT: Future Finance Conference, 9 June 2021

Date: 8th June 2021

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PFW getting out and about again!

Gillian Fawcett, Founder of PFW will be speaking at a public sector conference hosted by the Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT) on 9 June about gender responsive budgeting delivering effective outcomes.

The panel will be shared by an Sumita Shah (International Advisory Group) member.  Other panellists include Richard Spencer, Head of Sustainability at ICAEW and Guy Dawkins, Senior Manager at Berkshire NHS Trust. They will be addressing some of the future financial challenges for public services.

Bridging the gap: financial inclusion, gender equity and climate change – 25 May, 1.30pm BST

Date: 17th May 2021

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Women have been financially worst hit by the pandemic. At the same time, we know 2021 is a crucial year for #ClimateAction

So what role can businesses take? And how can they create tangible impact on these big challenges at the same time? Enrol Yourself and Friends of the Earth's Experiments Team are inviting you to hear from a panel of speakers looking at the role of business in bridging the gaps in gender equity, financial inclusion, and climate change on 25 May 2021, 1.30pm GMT

To join go to:

Advancing Leadership in Public Financial Management, 17 March 2021, Int. Budget Partnership, INTOSAI (IDI), UN Women

Date: 11th March 2021

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The International Budget Partnership, INTOSAI (IDI) and UN Women have teamed up to discuss 'Advancing Women's Leadership in Public Financial Management'.  It is great to have this topic discussed by key institutions that have it within them to drive change.

Did you know that in 2021, only 11% countries had finance portfolios held by women and less than a third of heads of national audit offices were women? We have come so far, but we still have much further to go if we are to achieve gender parity at the top.

The webinar is a side event of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women There were a range of high level speakers from supreme audit institutions and ministries of finance. Watch the event in full and see our latest news on this website for our top ten takeaways.



Promoting your best self in your CV, on 26 February 1-2pm, GMT

Date: 10th February 2021

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Join us for a webinar on promoting your best self in your CV, on 26 February 1-2pm, GMT

This is a fabulous opportunity to hear from recruitment experts, Ivy Rock Partners about how to write an effective CV that will help you make an impact in a highly competitive job market.

Gillian Fawcett, Founder of Public Finance by Women (PFW) will be interviewing Kate Marriott, Head of Not-for-Profit, Ivy Rock Partners, about what makes an eye-catching CV and covering letter.  See the attached flyer for going instructions and details of our Honour program.  See attached for more details: Public Finance by Women (PFW) & IVY ROCk PArners-3

To register for the webinar please contact:

To donate go to:

We will be participating in a knowledge sharing event on promoting ‘diversity’ in the accountancy profession in Africa hosted by PAFA in collaboration with IFWA and FIDEF

Date: 10th February 2021

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Gillian Fawcett, Founder of PFW will be taking part in a Knowledge Sharing event on Diversity hosted by the Pan African Federation of Accountants (PAFA) in collaboration with the International Federation of Francophone Accountants (FIDEF) and the International Federation of Women Accountants (IFWA) on 19 February 2021. She is looking forward to contributing to the debate on setting a new vision for diversity with a particular focus on women and how the accountancy profession in Africa can move towards meeting this vision. Other presenters include Alta Prinsloo, CEO of PAFA, Tsakani Maluleke, Chair of SAICA, Asmaa Resmouki, Deputy President of IFAC, Muyaka Ngulube, President, IFWA and Dr Francis Gondwe, CEO, ICAM.



Increasing Women’s Leadership in Public Financial Management (PFM), 3 December 2020

Date: 2nd December 2020


We are super delighted to be attending the third workshop hosted by INTOSAI (IDI) with the support of the International Budget Partnership and UN Women on 3 December  to discuss 'Increasing Women's Leadership in Public Financial Management (PFM)'. Former workshops included, ministries of finance and civil society organisations. We are expecting participants from a broad range of countries and supreme audit institutions. As always PFW is prepared to play a full part!

Join us on 10 December (1-2pm) for our virtual event ‘Rise Beyond Your Limits’

Date: 19th November 2020

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We are delighted to be hosting 'Rise Beyond Your Limits' on 10 December 1-2pm (GMT). In this seminar we will be exploring how you can build your personal profile and overcome some of the barriers that women face. We will be joined by two young women who will share their ideas about personal branding and how to maintain your profile.  We are very much looking forward to the discussion. You can register by dropping us a line to


Join us: Gender responsive budgeting with AICPA/CIMA on 8 December 2020, 5-7pm GMT.

Date: 9th November 2020

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We are delighted to be delivering our second webcast on gender responsive budgeting with AICPA/CIMA on 8 December 2020, 5-7pm GMT.

At a time when inequalities are growing around the world there is a renewed interest in exploring some of the creative and unique approaches used by governments  to formulate their budgets in a gender responsive way.  Join the discussion and gain some new insights on budget formulation and execution.  400 people plus visited our first webcast so let’s double it this time around.  You can register by visiting:



Increasing Women’s Leadership in Public Financial Management (PFM) 22 October 2020

Date: 28th October 2020


We were delighted to be invited to be to the first event hosted by the International Budget Partnership, UN Women and INTOSAI (IDI) on 22 October with civil society organisations (CSOs) to discuss 'Increasing Women's Leadership in Public Financial Management (PFM)'. This is the first of a series of events drawing together the views of CSOs, Ministries of Finance and Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) from around the world. Participants from 34 countries and a diverse range of CSOs joined the first workshop sharing diversity of views - it was simply buzzing with thoughts and ideas! We will be attending all three events so watch this space.

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